Slain Brain

Discussions and information on brain health and natural ways to enhance mental well-being.

Herbal Supplements Vs. Stimulants For Charging Your Brain Cells

brain on stimulants

Stimulant drugs are becoming more widely prescribed as treatments for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in both children and adults. People with this condition often struggle to focus, are more hyperactive, and can even be more impulsive compared to others of the same age.

It is particularly predominant among younger children as this is when the earliest signs of symptoms begin to surface, and while the severity of the symptoms can decrease as you age, they can remain well into adulthood.

Why Are Stimulant Drugs Prescribed?

Stimulant drugs used to treat ADHD, such as Adderall or Ritalin, can help to reduce symptoms of the condition. This is due to the effects they have on the brain, providing increased levels of dopamine that help to improve mental functioning such as feeling more awake and the ability to better focus and pay attention.

As a result, people suffering from ADHD who take prescription stimulant drugs enjoy reduced symptoms associated with the condition and can greatly benefit from this.

Unfortunately, many people abuse stimulants. From using them to improve the ability to study to aiding with weight loss, the use of chemical stimulants is becoming more widespread and they can cause a number of adverse effects when abused.

What are Herbal Brain Supplements?

With the increased use of stimulant drugs, many alternatives have begun to appear that promise the same benefits with little to no negative side effects. Medical professionals do question the veracity of these claims, but many have tried natural supplements and vouched for their effectiveness.

The basic idea behind herbal supplements is that they help to stimulate mental activity much like with prescription drugs, making them a viable treatment option for conditions like ADHD or to help enjoy the same benefits of the drugs (e.g. increased focus and alertness as a study aid).

For example, ginkgo and ginseng are two popular herbs that are known to offer various benefits, with ginkgo providing increased blood flow to the brain, which helps improve memory, while some studies also hint that they work as viable treatments for symptoms of ADHD.

However, there are conflicting reports with the majority of herbal alternatives, with some claiming they work while others notice no effects, so how effective each one is as a treatment remains up for debate.

It is worth noting that there are prominent examples of natural supplements and formula that do in fact provide proven benefits, including bacopa monnieri, phosphatidylserine (PS), and acetyl-l-carnitine (ALC). Many natural brain pills contain these ingredients together with other herbs and vitamins that can help improve brain function.

Pros and Cons

Pros of stimulant drugs include:

  • Approved by the FDA and recommended by medical professionals
  • Effective when taken in correct doses
  • Treat various symptoms of ADHD

Cons of stimulant drugs include:

  • Associated with many side effects that include nausea, lost appetite, headaches, insomnia, and mood swings
  • Possibility of more severe side effects such as paranoia, cardiovascular problems, and addition to the drug
  • No guaranteed effectiveness for every individual

Pros of herbal supplements include:

  • Almost completely safe with minimal to no adverse side effects
  • Non-addictive
  • Possible cognitive benefits such as improved memory, increased focus, alertness etc.
  • Some are effective when used as complementary therapy (i.e. along with stimulant drugs for ADHD)

Cons of herbal supplements include:

  • Not guaranteed to work for everyone
  • Many products don’t come with recommendations from medical professionals
  • Some do not combine well with prescription drugs